Thursday, September 29, 2011


His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
Have you ever been on a hike or climbed a mountain. I can remember in my younger years living in Salt Lake City and heading towards the mountains for a small leisurely hike. It would be a moderate hike my husband said. Now remember I said I was younger.
Well,his  definition of the word moderate and mine didn’t come from the same dictionary. Actually, not from the same planet if I’m being completely honest. Honey, honey, honey…this was no moderate hike.
I pictured a path with a gentle, winding, upward slope.
What we actually hiked was a full on upward scaling of rocks and roots. At least it seemed that way to me.
In an altitude where the air seemed so thin the inside of my lungs felt like they were sticking together and refusing my chest full breaths. Lovely. I thought I will never make this.
Up, up, up we went. And when another person passed us on their way down and cheerfully quipped, “You’re almost halfway there,” I wanted to quit. Halfway? How could we only be halfway!?!
I pushed. I pulled. I strained. I huffed and puffed. And I might have even spent a few minutes pouting. I am sure I complained to him all the way.
But eventually, we reached the top. I bent over holding my sides wondering how a girl who at that time worked out during the week could be so out of shape! Going up against the pull of gravity was hard. Really, really hard.
But coming down was a completely different experience. We navigated the same rocks and roots without feeling nearly as stressed. I enjoyed the journey. I noticed more of the beautiful surroundings and had enough breath to talk to whoever was on this journey with me all the way down the mountain.
And about halfway down the trail, it occurred to me how similar this hike was to the Christian walk.
Starting at the top, working with the pull of gravity was so much easier than starting at the bottom and working against it.
Though we navigated the exact same path both directions, going in the flow of gravity made the journey so much better. Just as we face a crisis in our own life if we go with the flow of God He also will take us exactly where He wants us to go.  Operating in the flow of God’s power is so much better than working against the flow of God’s power.
In other words, seeking to obey God in the midst of whatever circumstance I’m facing will position me to work in the flow of God’s power. I’ll still have to navigate the realities of my situation but I won’t be doing it with my strength. I will be doing it with Gods strength.
My job is to be obedient to God. To listen for His will not my own.   To apply His word and walk according to His ways- not the world’s suggestions. Participate in His divine nature rather than wallow in my own bad attitude and insecurities. How easy it is for us to wallow in our own attitudes and insecurities. But we can be so strong in the Lord.
Then I won’t have to huff and puff and pout while trying to figure everything out. I stay in the flow. God in His way and timing, works it all out. Not me but God.
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV).
So, the question of the day… will we work in or out of the flow today? Go with the flow of God’s power. This divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life. Wow, when I think about that I’m so ready to let God instruct me in ALL things. . Everthing!

Proverbs 3:6
New King James Version (NKJV)
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct[a] your   path

My prayer for all of you:
Dear Lord, help me to operate in the flow of Your power today and not against it. Your divine power has given me everything I need for a godly life. Let us work with the FLOW not against it.  I pray believing this truth today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Special Gift

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

“How are you doing?” she asked. Has anyone ever asked you this question. Maybe someone dear to you had just passed away. Maybe you or a loved one was about to have surgery. My eyes widened in surprise and pleasure as I recognized my friend who I had not heard from in a longtime on the phone. She was  a friend I dearly love, but we live long-distance and don’t stay in close touch.

I explained to her the pressures of the moment and we talked awhile catching up on old friends, kids and church. I started to wonder when we’d get to the reason for her call. Finally, there was a pause, and she explained that she needed to go back to her work day in a minute.
I was stunned. That was it?
There was no other agenda or hidden need. My friend had just carved out the time in her day to call and check on me.

My friend was a  widow whose precious husband died suddenly. She is dealing with raising children alone, running a business they used to manage as a couple and all the other curve-balls life inevitably throws our way. Yet she had made time in her day just to check in with me. I told her how grateful I was that she had been so intentional and kind.
That is when my friend explained that after her husband’s death, worship time at church was the time when the flood-gates of grief opened. She would often stand and cry throughout the service, pouring out her heart to God and receiving comfort from Him. And there was one woman who often sat by her and silently held her hand.
One woman in silence offering the ministry of her presence. What a profound gift. I had never thought of just a small sharing of my time and presence as a gift God has given us.
 “I’ve learned how much sharing time means. If I can only run by and take a cake to someone who is hurting, I do it. All of life’s busyness can be overwhelming, but I make time for people now. People are the most important thing.” This coming from my friend who had suffered grief.

I thought of how my friend reflects Jesus—of how Jesus made people more important than His to-do list. There were so many He stopped for. Countless faces in the crowds who made Him pause, just because.
The woman at the well.
The woman with the issue of blood.
His disciples.
Mary at His feet.
The list could go on and on.
As I write, I think about the day’s to-do list. A long list. There are lines and lines of things to do that aren’t checked off yet, calling my name.. They’re all important, but how do I process my list through today’s key verse? How do I become more like Jesus, numbering my days so that I might gain a heart of wisdom?
I think I’ll start a fresh to-do list and take a lesson from the dear friend who had taken time for me. I’ll leave room at the top of my list—room for names instead of tasks. My new first line on my checklist: “Be more like Jesus. Make people the most important thing today.”
Dear Lord, I need Your help to plan my day with Your priorities. You know how task-driven we can all become. Will You teach us to put people first? Sensitize our spirit to listen to Yours and to pause for people like You would. In Jesus’ Name, Amen