"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I
have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11
I am not there yet. Maybe I will never be. We go about life trying to plan with our work, our finances, our day. Then something happens, a car breaks down, an illness hits, the unexpected happens. Does this sound how your day goes?
Then the money we have saved to do or get something extra goes to the unexpected. How should we really plan? God may decide to uproot us and move us somewhere new. None of us, not one of us knows where the new day we live in will lead us. Only God knows. Let us Live in the day we are in and what God has given us.
The last few months have been many changes for our family. But as I look back when hasn't it been many changes? God always has something new for us. A new challenge, a new reason to trust in Him.
When I think of changes I think of Paul. Paul the apostle never knew where he might be next. As we know, he landed in extremely difficult situations for a few days. Other times he hung out with friends and things were good. Sometimes doors opened. Other times he waited for years for God to move. We have all been there. Waiting. But Paul's secret was that he was content where he was, wherever that might be, in whatever situation he was in.
What was Paul's secret:
One commentary says it like this:
Paul learned to leave others to be discontented and he chose to look to the Holy Spirit, and the dealings of Providence.
Job 10:12 You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.
Paul was content with just trusting in the Lord. Why is it so hard for us to see that everyday we wake up is a gift from God. Everything that we have is a gift from God. Every circumstance we go through is a gift from God.
As I determine to Live in the day we have and what God has given us rather than living in my own thoughts and heart wrapped around a past and a future I cannot see I can begin my days like this:
Father, show me Your plan for today and help me accept it.
God, let me not be so farsighted that I miss the miracles around me right now.
Lord, help me to celebrate small gifts of this day.
The first one is a prayer everyday. Asking the Lord to show us what he has for us everyday we wake up.
The second one is letting us not miss what Blessings the Lord does give us everyday.
The third is just teaching us to be Thankful for the small gifts he gives us everyday. Blessings we may not look for.
Slowly the door to contentment can open. I can look around to what God has for me in the future. I can look for where God may want us to share Him. For the people we are to share with and we can develop relationships with those the Lord has placed around us.